H.R. Giger
Text by Ridley Scott:
"I was first introduced to H.R.Giger's art work while in the very
early stages of pre-production for ALIEN. The writer and co-producer Dan O'Bannon showed me a copy of "H.R. Giger's Necronomicon"
book, and I immediately saw the potential his work had to offer the project. The executive producers were a bit hesitant in
initially committing to his art until they had a director locked up. In this case that wound up being me. My enthusiasm with
regard to the film increased significantly as I realized we had the ability to create a monster that would be superior to
most of those from the past. Initially, Giger wanted to design the creature form scratch. However, I was so impressed with
his "Necronom IV" and "V" paintings from the "Necronomicon" book that I insisted he follow their form. I had never been so
sure of anything in my life. They were quite specific to what I envisioned for the film, particularly in the unique manner
in which they conveyed both horror and beauty."
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